Mystery of creation; the unbreakable pillar, religion stands on

We meet once again cave people, a deja vu like the one my dear team, Arsenal, felt on meeting Olympiacos again. It is similar because most of the fans hoped for the match-up just like I hoped to be here scribing for y'all again. The difference is that Arsenal were hoping for an avenue for revenge after the bloody nose they gave us last time out at the emirates which led to our disqualification from Europa. Well they gave us a bloody nose again at the Emirates but the blow was't fatal to our qualification. I, in contrast to my team, am not here for revenge but to stir controversies again. Wish me luck.

"Mystery of creation is the unbreakable pillar of religion", this sentence was a copy on a content I posted on my Instagram page for my deep quotes on @deeptinz (kindly check it out, thanks). I know y'all are prolly tired of me and religion, but it is prolly the most controversial topic in the world and I bask where controversy reside. The content I made provoked (in thought) a long time friend of mine who I feel does not believe in God, religion and allied matters again. We had a lengthy convo, hmm thinking about it now I think the "lengthy convo" deserves a "very" at the back. My friend being a reader, based part of his argument on the book "21 lessons for the 21st century" by Yuval Noah Harari, a good read by the way -try it- it will shake the core of whatever you believe in I am sure.

The scriber challenged the fundamentals of "God" both in its being and christening- "Why is there something rather than nothing? What shaped the fundamental laws of physics? What is consciousness, and where does it come from? We do not know the answers to these questions, and we give our ignorance the grand name of God. The most fundamental characteristic of this mysterious God is that we cannot say anything concrete about Him. This is the God of the philosophers; the God we talk about when we sit around a campfire late at night, and wonder what life is all about. On other occasions people see God as a stern and worldly lawgiver, about whom we know only too much. We know exactly what He thinks about fashion, food, sex and politics, and we invoke this Angry Man in the Sky to justify a million regulations, decrees and conflicts."

Interesting right? he has some points though. But as I was brooding on it, I concluded that  been tied to a religion was necessary even better than when you are not, how so, I hope you understand after my rumbling. First, we need to understand that as we become more enlightened religion will become more diffused, its unstoppable, it shares a correlative and casual relationship, a talk for another day. 

The creation of the world and us as humans is the unbreakable pillar of religion, before my defence I'd like to conceptualize "religion" as the acceptance of the existence of a force, a spiritual one as opposed to physical one, that is external to the physical world. With this definition all variants of religion are under one roof, doctrines of the each religion does not supersede the other but looked at a macro level, as a whole.

Curiosity they say kills a cat, but I dare say satisfaction resurrects the dead, be happy pussies. Humans are curious in nature, with a superb and ever expanding brain, we are never satisfied with the present, that is why we are what and who we are. But as powerful as this brain is, it has one single limitation -it can't know on its own without information, this its only limitation. Our brain cannot know or infer what it does not have info about. This single limitation harbors religion. The world and its workings is up to be understood by the brain as time goes on in memorial. Because the brain will eventually get info about it.

The creation of the universe or humans had no witness present, no information whatsoever for the brain to act on, the before-life, the afterlife are concepts that the brain has no information on at all. As such it is out of reach to it, every information on them vary across geography, time and space unlike the universal 1+1= 2. Unfortunately we can never understand it. Had it been than that brain could know as little as 0.000000000001% of something it does not have information about, trust me there will be no religion again and I say that with all certainty. Because with time the brain will be all-knowing, an omniscient.

The diagram I created above shows what could have been (left) and what can be (right), on the left side you will see the expansion capacity of the brain -if it could know as little as just 0.000000000001% of something it does not have information about- is only limited by the universe itself but on the right it is limited by the physical world with which it has contact with via its 5/6 known senses. 

How did we come to be, how did the world come to be, what happened to us before we were birthed and what will happen to us when we die NO ONE KNOWS and NO ONE WILL KNOW. The curiosity of man will never accept those two answers else it will run insane, so to prevent madness it anchored it to an external force -religion- now it can sleep well at night. Following? I hope you are. 

There are assumptions about the external world and its workings, but they are not with absolute validity, they are opened to interpretation, time-influence and context. This "certain uncertainty" has been anchored to various religions that exists, but we cannot have a universal religions given the difference in time, geographic, race etc. this same reason (uncertainty) is why "FAITH" -according to the Holy Bible (Hebrews 11:1) is the assurance of things hope for, the conviction of things not seen- is key to religion. It is the basis of every religions or connection to the external force even the scientific ones, we all are not sure. 

Before creation, both ours and that of the universe, something must have existed before that for a creation to occur, else it is impossible, nothing can come out of nothing, since we cannot know that we have a faith in the supreme being who we believe created it. 

The theist and religious believers are one step further and safer than the pagans and theists. Why? you may ask. The world could not have been created by physical occurrence because everything has a beginning and end (a logic that we feel does not apply to the spiritual), so whatever particles we feel could have created the world would have had to be created too, if then, what created the world could not have been physical. This is why I think the theists are closer to the answer.

They are safer because we are all going to die with at least a little iota of that uncertainty, of the Afterlife. There are four possible eventualities of the afterlife:

  1. There is life after death, the atheists are wrong and one's religious belief is crucial for survival
  2. There is life after death, the atheists are wrong and one's religious belief is not crucial for survival
  3. Any of the above or in combinations exists and only one religion is right and connected to the true external force. (because each religion believes they are the chosen religion, wahala oo)
  4. There is no afterlife and the theists are wrong
From these eventualities an atheist chance is survival is 2/4 (2 & 4) and that of a theist is slightly above 3/4 ((1,2,3 (in part) & 4)). Hence the theists are on a safer side. At the brink of death a Jehovah Witness Booklet said Einstein on his sickbed recorded that "what if the Christians were right", if true, that means at the brink of death a "certain uncertainty" dawned on him, he did not know what lies ahead, NO ONE DOES. If the Theist are right the Atheists are not safe, but if the Atheist are right the Theists are still safe. Then you wonder why gamble with the uncertainty?

Phew, great scribing I hope so, but not so great for my dear Arsenal who drew WestHam this evening, now the euphoria that I had after the confirmation of Arsenal's favourable route to the Europa final, when I began writing this article some days ago, has almost disappeared, mtchew we move. Have a good evening people, rest well. Catch you soon.


  1. Nice write-up. The bottom line is hold on to your belief, and if you see any reason to change, don't hesitate to do so.

  2. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
    I'm flabbagasted 👏👏👏


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