
Showing posts from December, 2020

Business requirement, Functionality requirements and Non-functionality requirements: Their differences, relationship and interdependence

Error and failure are what's left when we think everything else has been accounted for. Analyzing a business, an analyst needs to fully understand that there is a fine line between these three business concepts, their differences, relationship and interdependence, they need to be understood else confusing them together can lead to business failure in the short, medium and long run. Business Requirements: A business requirement is not just something a system must do. It is something that the business needs to do or have in order to stay in business, take for example a business needs to increase sales, else, it'll run out of business, this a business requirement. It has to be done if not the business may not function properly or wind up for good . A business requirement is often less dynamic; it doesn't change often. Functionality Requirements: A functional requirement describes how we perform our business processes (or their functionality), how a business intends to achieve

The need for the passage of the “Too Old to Run” bill

The eleventh hour of May, 2018, was pegged by the passage of the “not too young to run” bill by our president as his democracy day present for us youths, or his way of appealing to the then furious god of “lazy Nigeria youths”, youths makeup half, if not more of, the country’s population and with the election just few months away then, it was imperative he gets us on his side to triumph. But this bill was a flatter to deceive bill because two years after it was passed it has not bore and may never bear its intended fruits, if the “Too Old to Run” bill is not passed alongside. The passed bill was purported to give youths the chance to run for posts and ultimately rule in the country, I think the reverse of the passed bill is the way to achieve such, which is the “Too Old to Run” bill, this bill attacks the original problem which is taking our country from grasp of grandpas and grannies who are supposed to be retired. Nigeria’s ship has been captained by fifteen rulers since independence

THE NIGHT KING AND ITS GENERALS: Technology advancement necessitating the need for a synergic career

Winter is coming believe it or not, technology rides with its army of generals -robotics, auditory analytics, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR)-- and infantries in an unstoppable march and they are coming for us all. Since its inception, technology was created to be used to do things, but now it intends to do things itself thanks to Artificial Intelligent (AI). Technology will soon dominate almost every domain and industry, all in the name of better productivity and making life better, exciting times ahead when you imagine of the mind blowing things the tech industry can achieve with technology (what a time to be an innovative business owner) in the same vein worrisome times ahead when you imagine how these improvements will lead to it replacing human being, that it was meant to make their lives better. In Nigeria, over the last 40 years there has been two shifts in employment outlook with each shift spanning circa 20 years, the first shift happened at the time of our father


So says innovation -metaphorically- to all, “Marry the spirit of your age and you will be widowed in the next. Beware, I will haunt widows", simpler version, change as innovation moves the world. The world, due to innovation and mental outlook, has become a fast-paced globe and so, those who wish to survive in it must move with it. In the 19th and most parts of 20th centuries, Journalism, its role, media, actors, modus operandi etc. were defined and its evolution was linear and gradual; from town criers to Newspapers to radio to television and so on. The latter parts of the 20th century and thereof were characterized by technological innovation which produced a more connected world leading to quicker dissemination of information accompanied by disruptions in the world of journalism. Its evolution ha since then become mixed and rapid. Journalism, with the help of the internet, moved from just being an art peculiar to the so-called “Journalists”, it became an art for everyone, there


Over time I have argued with many who believed that good education is the key to progress, prosperity and the moving forward of Nigeria and Africa as a whole, I do not believe this, but we all agreed on one thing which was “a change in mindset” has to happen for us to progress. Education is good, necessary even and every one should have it, but education helps to maintain prosperity and progress not bring change, what can bring about prosperity and progress in Nigeria are events that would force a change in mindset, events that will leave us all as one with no choice, volition is something that when giving to human rarely brings about unified purpose and the need for good education will not bring about that. Some would argue that the level of poverty in Nigeria should be enough to forced our hands to progress but not all of us are affected by the poverty and sadly those that are not affected are those in charge of our progress, so the need for progress caused by poverty is not strong e