
Showing posts from February, 2021

Gender and racial equality- holy grail missions worth chasing, highly unlikely to achieve.

Evening to you lots, the just ended week has been of mixed feelings for me, have not really slept well because I am working on a project so I am stressed out like a worn rubber band. On the other hand, my old dear club almost gave me an heart attack, as a long time fan I am used to these things, but this felt different, thanks to Auba and Saka I am able to a scribe for y'all from my soft mat and not sick bay. Alright enough of that, it is good to be back here, I am back with my rumblings again, this time with a rather interesting take on a topic, seeing the topic alone can prompt prejudice for this article, even before reading it. But it's good to have you all reading on the blog, keep up.  Do I want all genders to be equal? Yes. Do I want to be able to grab a drink at a bar full of Whites without fear of being discriminated? Hell yes. Do I feel these is, in its entirety, possible? Frankly No. I know we all want to feel like a modern human and all, we all want to conform to a s

Preparing for Emergencies by Starting an Emergency Fund

  Introduction When the Federal Government was considering nationwide lockdowns during the heyday of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us insisted that the economic and mental consequences of such lockdowns would exceed the supposed benefits. In a Whatsapp group I belong to, one of those who didn’t agree with this view - that the lockdown's economic and mental consequences will exceed any supposed benefits - upbraided Nigerians for not preparing for emergencies. He believed that Nigerians don’t learn how to save for situations like the pandemic. While that discussion was ongoing, it was easy to see the elitism in his argument. How many average Nigerians earn enough income to get by their living expenses, talk less of saving? A whopping 40% of the population lives below the poverty line, according to the NBS . So that upbraiding was by and large inconsiderate. However, it will be naive to think that we don’t have some people who can prepare for emergencies but find themselves u

Don’t Bring Your Religion to the Discussion. Really?

Introduction In his book, The Secular Age , Charles Taylor, the Canadian philosopher, traced the development of secularism across three significant epochs: impossible not to believe, possible not to believe, impossible to believe. The first stage (impossible not to believe) describes the traditional, pre-modern age where belief in a God was ubiquitous, and it was mostly impossible not to believe in God. In those days, the question was which God or god exists, not whether there was God or a god. In fact, Miles Coverdale coined the word atheist when translating the bible to English in 1534. He had to come up with a word to describe unbelief. But we moved from the pre-modern age to the modern age, where it was now possible not to believe. The French Revolution (and its rationalism) and the mainstreaming of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species began to provide a philosophical foundation for the popularity of unbelief. Soon, an entire economic and political system-communism-was

The Bible should be updated, else it might lose its essence and true interpretation in time

Good to be back scribing again, I really apologize for the hiatus I took, let us say it’s been a really engaging month, but I am back. true story. The idea, I am going to be diving into its ocean is one I have had in mind for a long time, the “how will people take it” syndrome  got the best of me but here we are in this pit, get your oxygen mask and best have a web feet as we dive in. The scribing of the Holy Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, when I think about this and the way I see it, it must have been true, because almost every situation you can be in prolly has a reference in the Holy Bible, even something as silly as “the salary of a prostitute”, the answer the Holy Bible will give might not be straight forward or might not suffice but your situation can’t just elude the grasp of the Holy Bible, have you met Pastors before? Such scribing, aged 2000+ years, with such grasp on everything, even 2000+ years after, must have been scribed with the help of an external force.  As